Feature Friday: Productivity Habits from Pick Any Two

You may have noticed that I’m a little preoccupied with being productive and organized–probably a common obsession for anyone who is driven to make the most of their lives. Judging by some of the more popular posts here, I think most of my readers share the preoccupation.

So on that note, here’s a little gem of a quick read to inspire your productivity from a great blog I found on Pinterest.

12 Habits of Highly Productive People” on Pick Any Two. This blog encourages moms (especially, but there’s plenty of solid advice for all of us) to give up the guilt over imperfection, and the obsession with having it all.

Given the discussion earlier this week, I especially love the tips to take time for planning out the day’s tasks and finding a good organizational tool.

Happy Friday, everyone! I’m off to see if Black Friday really is becoming A Thing here in Canada…

{featured image courtesy of Courtney Dirks on Flickr}

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