Happy Birthday to my Two Year Old!

Though you were born on October 2nd, it’s October 1st I will always think on as the day you decided to be born, finally making your grand entrance at midnight.

Squishy newborn Linden.

Squishy newborn Linden.

How did you know to come out on just this day? How did my body know you were ready to be pushed forth into the world? It’s truly a miraculous thing, being born, and probably the bravest thing we will ever do in our lifetime–to leave a place so comfortable and safe and emerge into a cold, bright world with its relentless, constant pull down, down to the dirt and stone, an urgent neediness so different from the freedom to turn and float that we knew in the womb.


And we continue to face the harshness of this world, and even find the moments of light and joy so effectively that the harsh becomes mundane and tolerable, and those moments of wonder are the points upon which we hinge our happiness. How miraculous, indeed!

These past two years have also been filled with tiny and momentous miracles, difficulties, triumphs, and much laughter. You went from a sweet newborn who slept soundly, mercifully, through the nights in your bassinet at my bedside, somehow aware that I needed the rest to be able to bring you to our store every day, to an infant who stopped sleeping as you became more aware of the world around you, cluing into the fact that you had a unique place in it. Rolling from the spot I’d place you on the floor, testing the boundaries of your ability and existence, and finding mobility on your bum, pulled by your legs, sitting upright so you could see what was to come (especially the food), you became a baby.

Linden at the store.

Happy Eating.

And eventually, after some time and perhaps just a small bit of worry on my part, you stood up and tested your feet, moving forward, then backward, then running, then up into the air and jumping from heights! Now you climb, you crawl, you twirl, and dance. You talk and sing and laugh and yell. You make jokes, even. All of these miracles, new ones every day, and I get to witness them all.


First triumphant steps.

First triumphant steps.


I truly understand now why our birthdays are a day when we get gifts and good food and a celebration. It’s everyone else’s way of saying “thank you.” Thank you for giving us these miracles every day, reminding us of the very reason why we left the comforts of our own primordial existence to emerge into this sometimes cruel place. I am so grateful for this, for you.

Happy Birthday, dear Linden.

Funny Face.



12 responses to “Happy Birthday to my Two Year Old!

  1. Beautifully written, Jean! Our little ones are our joy and our blessings…we moms treasure our children & grandchildren. They have our hearts forever! Bless you all~ Love from the Quinns

  2. I cried too. Bah. Love that our babies are growing and showing us more and more of themselves every day…but also a bit sad that they can’t stay teeny tiny cuddly creatures forever 😉 Can’t wait to celebrate Linden!

    • haha, crying… Yup, I get so excited at all of the growing up, but when I get a minute to think about the teeny baby that will never be again, it’s definitely sad!

  3. Such a lovely piece! Happy birthday Linden 🙂 Hope all your years to come are as blessed as those gone by!

  4. Jean,This made me cry. I am so proud and thrilled that you GET IT…our children are the miracles in our life. YOU are a miracle in mine. And on each of your birthdays, I relive/remember the day of birth, those incredibly powerful, awesome, difficult hours as each of you emerged to start to become yourselves in the world. And as each of you grew into your unique selves, you each taught and blessed me in a thousand different ways.So thank YOU for being my baby and for growing into such a beautiful mother!love,mom

    Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 15:25:12 +0000 To: reply2ginny@hotmail.com

  5. Happy happy birthday Miss Linden! And congrats to you too, Jean 🙂 Two years ago you became a mom… the most important job in the world. Give yourself a much deserved pat on the back and enjoy every minute!!!

    • Thank you, Lily! I’m patting myself on the back by grocery shopping at night and throwing a birthday party on a Saturday morning! (Clearly a lapse in judgement on my part, setting that time…).

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