“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” – Seek Safely

Have you seen Netflix original series, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt yet? It’s a lighthearted sitcom starring Ellie Kemper (The Office, Bridesmaids), created by Tina Fey. It follows the main character, Kimmy, as she adjusts to life after her escape from an underground doomsday cult bunker where she’d lived with three other women and their leader for 15 years. She moves to New York City to begin her new life, constantly battling the legacy of her cult experience: the ignorance of 15 missed years out in the world, and the scars of having lived through such an event.

Despite the subject matter, it truly is a fun and quirky little show with ridiculous characters and plot situations. But, given my personal knowledge of cult-like self-help events and leaders, it strikes a particular chord with me.

… Check out the rest of what I had to say about “Kimmy Schmidt” on SEEK Safely’s blog!

via “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” and SEEK – Seek Safely.

What do you think?